Attempt #362
December 2020
I gave up on the individual journals for each child pretty much after Oliver. I realized I didn't really write in anyone's journal unless they were a newborn baby, after I started foster care. The guilt of this realization will eat at me for the rest of my life. So many little memories lost. Luckily even though I stopped writing, I never stopped taking videos and pictures. So, not as many memories lost as could have been.
The the title of this blog---Emily Remembers. I just want to write down thoughts and feelings that I want to remember. I always try this in little notebooks, but it never lasts very long. So many good intentions, that prove unrealistic far too often. I need to learn to make smaller goals--so maybe my only goal right now is to finish this entry.:)
I have had a lot of anxiety over so many things lately. Unknown court appeals from Monica, making sure I have the house in order, organizing Christmas, remembering to not forget anyone, making sure I give enough--are just of a few of the stresses. Many of these things have been fun in the past, but this year I just feel so overwhelmed...but not enough to want to not do them. I keep adding more and more, because I truly want to. My body is rebelling and I'm losing my mind (and temper)way more than usual. The tightness in my chest feels impossible to overcome---a mess in the corner impossible to get through...yet I keep getting through, and keep overcoming. Sometimes barely, but I do it. This has not been without immense help. Both physical and spiritual. So many tender mercies from my Heavenly Father. Simple, little things, that I KNOW are meant for me. Shopping for a family in need made so much easier when item after item was found on the shelves of only a couple stores. No coincidences were were had, I know He was helping me all the way. I keep telling my Heavenly Father in pleading prayers that I can't do anymore---but I keep doing more, because He is helping me. I fall apart too much. I'm embarrassed. But I keep putting myself back together, and trying again.
The piles won't stop. The to-do lists won't get any shorter. My life isn't going to be easy in some ways. But because of all of this--my life has been so easy in so many other ways. I acknowledge this and I acknowledge Him in every part of my life. I am so grateful for all the reminders he sends to help me remember He loves me and I'm not alone. He also reminds me that whatever he asks of me--is possible. My life is for him. I want to do whatever he wants me to do. But I'm only human---I need to be kinder to myself, give myself a break. Im trying to do God's work in a human body and its really really hard!
2020 is almost over. I don't think I can call it my hardest year, or my best year. But I can definitely call it one of the most memorable years ever. Heres to 2021! My hope is that the pandemic can end, the girls adoption can be finalized, and that a I will Hear Him always.